Branches of the company
060011, Atyrau, Seifullina str., 5

phone number: +7 7122 278453 +7 7122 278454+7 7122 278455
fax: +7 7122 586114

Work performed:
  • Hydrogeological, hydrochemical and hydrobiological studies:
  • Hydrogeological research and monitoring of groundwater;
  • Establishment of water protection zones and strips
  • Comprehensive monitoring studies
  • Monitoring of biodiversity on land and water areas (seasonal, thematic, cadastral)
  • Development of EIA and OOS sections;
  • Conducting comprehensive studies of territories and water areas;
  • Research of flora and fauna on land and water areas
  • Laboratory hydrobiological studies. Specialized laboratory.
Branch in Atyrau
Branch in Astana
010000, Nursultan, Bigeldinov str., 9/1, sq. 2
phone number: +7 7172 995475 , +7 7172 995458
fax: +7 7172 580393

Work performed:
  • Inventory of sources of emissions FOR.
  • Calculation and arrangement of the sanitary protection zone of the enterprises
  • of the Inventory of GHG greenhouse gas emissions;
  • Development of plant passports and a GHG monitoring plan;
  • Development of draft emission standards: PDV, PDS, production and consumption waste;
  • Obtaining permits for emissions in the OS.
130001, Aktau, mkr. 21, building No. 10
phone number: +7 7292 606112, +7 7292 606113,+7 7292 606114
fax: +7 7292 606110e-mail:

Work performed:
  • Chemical and analytical control of OS components;
  • Laboratory studies (water, air, soil, sediments, biota).
  • Operational analysis of the environmental situation in the field and production conditions
  • Research of flora and fauna on land and water areas
  • Development of response plans in case of man-made emergencies;
  • Provision of scientific research vessels of KAPE LLP for the production of works in the Caspian and Sea waters.

Testing laboratory, Aktau with a branch at the Tengiz field.
Test objects:
  • Water: potable, natural (surface, underground),
  • Waste water (before and after treatment);
  • Production and consumption waste, sewage sludge, sludge, activated sludge;
  • Atmospheric air of the residential and sanitary protection zone;
  • Working area air;
  • Emissions of industrial enterprises into the atmosphere;
  • Soils (soils, bottom sediments);
  • Radiation monitoring of the environment;
  • Ichthyological and hydrobiological studies.
Branch in Aktau
We will be glad to meet you in person in our office!
Almaty, 157 Jibek Joli ave.
+7 727 234 1668
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of Applied Ecology LLP
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