Geoinformation systems and Engineering surveys


GIS Department:

3D modeling:

• Creation of digital terrain models (CMM);

• Creation of digital terrain models (DEM);

• Modeling based on space and aerial photography data;

• Thematic mapping based on 3D analysis data

Integrated processing of remote sensing data (DDZ):

• Dissemination of DDZ;

• Search and selection of DDZ according to the specified criteria;

• Primary and advanced DDZ processing (thematic and analytical mapping);

• Creating mosaics of aerial and space images;

• Clarifying ground-based studies for the correction of DDZ.

Development, creation and support of corporate and regional databases (DB) and geodata databases (BGD):

• Data collection and processing;

• Systematization of storage and management of geodata and attribute information;

• Establishing a connection between spatial objects and their content attributes;

• Complex automation of work with the database;

• Visual display of query data;

• Modernization and optimization of existing databases.

Cartography and map creation:

• Creation of thematic maps of various themes and scales;

• Creation of orthophotoplanes;

• Vectorization and digitization of data;


Engineering and geodetic surveys:

• Creation of reference and survey geodetic networks:

• production of topographic and special surveys;

• GNSS shooting;

• planned and high-altitude surveys;

Traceroute work:

• search and mapping of engineering communications;

• field, cameral processing of survey data.

Processing of survey data:

• post-processing of these survey results is performed in the licensed Trimble Business Center software package;

• graphical display of geodetic survey data in licensed software packages – AutoCAD, AcrGis.

Engineering and geophysical research:

• determination of the lithological structure;

• determination of the depth of the groundwater level;

• determination of the roof of local water-resistant deposits;

• localization and contouring of lenses;

• determination of the roof of the rocky soil.

Bathymetric, sonar and magnetometric studies of water bodies

• Shooting of the bottom reliefs of reservoirs;

• Construction of the profile and approximate structure of the bottom of the reservoir;

• Construction of bathymetric and 3-D maps

Inspection of landfills, hydraulic structures, etc.:

• identification and localization of zones of decompression and humidification in the body of ground dams;

• determination of the position of the depression curve in the body of the dam;

• diagnostics of concrete elements of hydraulic structures;

• detection of landfills of environmentally hazardous waste, hidden landfills (concrete and metal structures, industrial and household waste).

Survey of roads and railways:

• determination of the boundaries and thickness of the layers of pavement;

• contouring of the sole of the pavement layers/ ballast prism;

• identification of abnormal zones in the embankment structure (decompression, humidification, filtration paths);

• detection of foreign inclusions in the soil of the embankment (pipes, fittings, boulders, etc.);

• conducting operational monitoring of the technical condition of the embankment layers.

Research of objects of historical and cultural heritage by non-destructive methods:

• Determining the location and structure of hidden objects

• Construction of geoelectric sections of settlements, buildings, mounds;

• Tracing underground passages, rooms, channels, brick collectors, masonry;

• Assessment of the volume of overburden archaeological work on the development of soil;

Air Division:

Aviation works:

• Aviation monitoring for the period of design, construction and operation of industrial and production facilities;

• aerial photography for the design and development of construction and repair projects;

• monitoring of construction and repair work at various sites and stages of work;

• comparison of different-time images of the same object to assess changes in time and space;

• monitoring of the condition of production facilities, roads, power lines, protective structures, etc.

Land management and cadastral works:

• land cadastral works;

• defining the boundaries of land plots.

Monitoring and environmental protection:

• Pipeline monitoring,

• monitoring of the condition of water bodies, water protection zones and strips;

• monitoring and detection of oil spills;

• accounting of objects of the animal world (birds, terrestrial and marine mammals).

Aerial photography and geodesic works:

• creation of high-resolution orthophotoplanes in M 1:25 000 – 1:2 000;

• digital aerial and video shooting of areal and linear objects;

• aerial photography for the creation of DEM and CMM;

Aviation work during emergencies:

• operational monitoring of the situation, search for people and equipment during the flood period;

• scale assessment, operational monitoring in the fire and mudflow-prone period;


Geoinformation systems and cartography:

• High-performance software and computing complex for data processing and mapping;

• Modern high-performance personal computers;

• Licensed software: ArcGIS, Photomode, MapInfo, nanoCAD;

Research and data processing

• Trimble R9S geodetic complex;

• GPR system "MALA Geoscience" (Sweden) with a full set of antenna blocks and data processing software – REFLEXW-2D-3D, GPR Expert;

• Electric exploration station "SKALA-64 K15" (Russia) and processing software – RES2DINV, RES3DINV;

• Laccolit XM-3 seismic Station (Russia) and processing software – RadExPro;

• Multifunctional electrical survey meter "MARY-24";

• Electromagnetic induction meter "EMP-400 GSSI" (USA);

• Electromagnetic profiling equipment "AEMP-14" (Russia);

Aviation works:

• Supercam S350 Unmanned Aircraft System (Russia);

• Geodesic Quadcopter based on Phantom 4 PRO 2.0 PPK (China/Russia);

• Mavic 2 Pro Quadcopter (China);


GIS Department employees are trained and qualified specialists in the field of digital cartography, photogrammetry and database creation.

The specialists of the department have extensive experience in the preparation and design of thematic maps of various subjects, remote sensing processing, creation of CMR and CMR, orthophoplanes.

Specialists of the Engineering Survey department carry out their activities in such key areas as geophysical research and surveys, geodetic survey of objects when performing design and survey work.

Experienced specialists of the department are highly qualified in the preparation, organization and conduct of field engineering surveys. The staff of the division includes specialists in the field of geodesy, geophysics, etc.

The aviation division of the GISII Department includes employees of the Department who have undergone specialized training and passed exams for the management and operation of various types of UAVs (aircraft and multirotor types). The employees of the division have considerable experience in conducting aviation operations on flat, mountainous and watered terrain.

The employees of the air division have been trained and certified in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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