Environmental monitoring at sea
Work performed:

  • Preparation and conduct of environmental studies on inland water bodies, including the transit zone of the Caspian Sea
  • Development and implementation of monitoring programs in the sections "Assessment of the quality of the aquatic environment and bottom sediments", "Vegetation", "Hydrobionts", "Ichthyofauna" and "Assessment of biological diversity"
  • Preparation of sections for project documentation "Current state of phyto-, zoo-, ichthyoplankton, zoobenthos and ichthyofauna" "Assessment of the impact of economic activity in reservoirs and tributaries on the ichthyofauna", "Current state of flora and fauna, "Assessment of the impact on the flora and fauna of reservoirs and watercourses"
  • Calculation of damage to fisheries from the work carried out and its compensation in projects (EIA) and pre-EIA
  • Provision of expert opinions on the calculation of EIA damages for all types of work carried out in the water areas of reservoirs
Department of Ecomonitoring at sea

+7 727 258 24 96 (97) (вн.120)

Important information:

In the course of performing marine work, the department has developed Standard Operating Procedures in Russian and English, which cover all the stages performed, both during work at sea, including transportation of selected samples to laboratories, and in-house processing of selected samples.

Much attention is paid to the quality control of sampling and the exclusion of cross-contamination in the selection of toxicological samples.

Domestic and foreign auditors have repeatedly noted the high degree of execution of marine integrated environmental studies by KAPE LLP.

We will be glad to meet you in person in our office!
Almaty, 157 Jibek Joli ave.
+7 727 234 1668
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