Protection and use of water resources
• Development of specific norms of water consumption and sanitation
• Hydrological, hydrochemical and hydrobiological studies:
• Draft standards for maximum permissible discharges:
• Maximum permissible harmful effects on water bodies:
• Permits for special water use:
• Development of quality standards for surface water bodies:
• Establishment of water protection zones and strips.

Department of Water Resources Rationing

Раб.тел.: 8 727 272 64 50 (доб. 298)

Work performed:

Draft standards for maximum permissible discharges:

  • inventory of objects;
  • familiarization with the technology of collection, treatment and final storage of wastewater;
  • calculation of emission standards (PDS);
  • explanatory note;
  • approval of the project in government agencies.

Specific norms of water consumption and sanitation:

  • inventory of objects;
  • familiarization with the technologies of work production at the enterprise;
  • calculation of water balance and specific norms of water use;
  • explanatory note;
  • approval of the project in the state agency.

Permission for special water use:

  • inventory of objects;
  • familiarization with the movements of water flows in the enterprise;
  • identification of primary and secondary water users;
  • calculation of water balance;
  • explanatory note;
  • approval of the project in the state agency.

Hydrological research:

  • calculation of the main hydrological characteristics;
  • calculation of the main characteristics of the hydrological regime.

Hydrochemical and hydrobiological studies:

  • study of the hydrochemical regime of water bodies;
  • assessment of water quality by hydrochemical and hydrobiological indicators.

Development of quality standards for surface water bodies:

  • development of regulatory and methodological documents for assessing the quality of surface water sources..

Maximum permissible harmful effects on water bodies:

  • calculation of ecological runoff for water bodies;
  • calculation of standards for the maximum permissible withdrawal of river runoff from a water body;
  • calculation of standards of maximum permissible harmful effects on water bodies;
  • approval of the project in government agencies.

Projects for the establishment of water protection zones and strips:

  • inventory of the coastal strip of the reservoir;
  • development and adjustment of water protection zones and strips;
  • approval of the project in government agencies.

Equipment, software complexes

MIKE Zero, MIKE FLOOD program

Working specialists without surnames (ecologists, geographers, hydrologists, etc.)

Civil engineer-hydraulic engineer – 1;

Civil Engineer - 1;

Mechanical engineer, ecologist - 1;

Chemist – 1;

Environmental Engineer - 1;

Ecologist – 1;

Hydrometeorologist, hydrologist – 1.

Landmark projects

Project: "Evaluation of analytical monitoring results in comparison with the approved criteria and regulatory values of the Kazakh and international industry", part I and II.

Customer: North Caspian Operating Company N.V.

Region of implementation: Atyrau and Mangystau regions

As a result of the project, a complete inventory of wastewater flows (SV) from their formation, collection, transportation, disposal, including purification and storage in final receivers, was carried out.

The analysis of the results of monitoring studies, reconciliation of purification technologies with Kazakh and international requirements for the purification of CB, recommendations for improving the CB purification system are given.

Project: "Development of quality standards for surface water bodies"

Customer: RSU Committee on Water Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2016-2018)

Region of implementation: Kazakhstan

As a result of the project, a unified system of classification of water quality in the water bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan was developed, approved. By the Order of the Chairman of the KVR of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 09.11.2016 No. 151, according to which at present the RSE "Kazhydromet" of the MAGPR of the Republic of Kazakhstan assesses the formed qualitative state of the water bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Project: "Analytical study: "Ecological runoff is the basis for the preservation of the ecological system"

Client: Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources with the support of the Secretariat of the UNECE Convention on Transboundary Waters

Region of implementation: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Russia, China, Mongolia, Afghanistan

As a result of the implementation of the project, the main principal approaches to the establishment of ecological runoff (releases) in the study region were identified, recommendations were made to the Secretariat of the UNECE Convention on Transboundary Waters for inclusion in the Global Guidelines.

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