Chemical Analytical Center
Chemical Analytical Center (CAC)

  1. Director of KHATS – Kanagatova Sholpan Genghiskhanovna
phone number Almaty: +7(727)272 64 28 (вн.258)

  1. HAC divisions:
2.1 Testing laboratory, Aktau with a branch at the Tengiz field.
Head of IL KHATS- Ospanova Gulmira Salamatova
Aktau, mkr. 21, building No. 10,phone number: +7 729-260-61-15, fax: +7 7292 606110

Test objects:
  • Water: drinking, distilled, natural (surface, underground)
  • Waste water (before and after treatment);
  • Production and consumption waste, sewage sludge, sludge, activated sludge;
  • Atmospheric air of the residential and sanitary protection zone;
  • Working area air;
  • Emissions of industrial enterprises into the atmosphere;
  • Soils (soils, bottom sediments);
  • Radiation monitoring of the environment;
  • Ichthyological and hydrobiological studies.

2.2. Hydrobiological laboratory. city of Almaty
Head of GBL - Dina Smirnova
Almaty phone number: +7(727)2582 489 \ 2913312 (вн.122)

Scope of accreditation: sampling and analysis:
  • Phytoplankton;
  • Zooplankton;
  • Periphiton
  • Macrozoobenthos;
  • Ichthyofauna (taxonomic and age-sex composition, morphometric indicators).

Branch of the hydrobiological laboratory. Atyrau
Head of GBL - Boos Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Atyrau, Seifullina str., 5
Phone number: +7 7122 -27-84-55
Office - Manager 8 702-337-33-67
fax: +7 7122 586114

2.3 Mobile environmental laboratory. city of Almaty
The head of the PEL is Konstantin Alexandrovich Stepanov
Almaty phone number: +7(727)2582 489 \ 2913312 (вн.119),

Work performed:
  • Carrying out measurements of atmospheric air, residential and sanitary protection zones, working area air (analysis of 49 pollutants);
  • Instrumental measurements of industrial enterprises' emissions into the atmosphere, including aerodynamic parameters of sources (analysis by 49 FOR).
  • Sampling: drinking water, natural water (surface, underground), waste water (before and after treatment). Soils (soils, bottom sediments).
  • Radiation monitoring of the environment and territories of industrial enterprises (equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation, density, alpha-beta particle flux, radon ERO, thoron).

The group of Assessment of physical factors and Certification of workplaces. Almaty
Head - Natalia Nikolaevna Kaidakova
Almaty phone number:+7(727)272 64 28 (вн.235), моб. +77773670021

Work performed:
Certification of production facilities (PO) in accordance with the standards in the field of safety and labor protection;
Assessment of the degree of harmfulness and danger of work;
Assessment of the degree of injury safety by;
Provision of personnel with means of individual and collective protection.

3. Certification of production facilities:
• inventory of physical factors;
• PDV of physical factors;
• calculated and installed sanitary protection zones
• Execution of Protocols and Conclusions.

1. Laboratory and instrumental studies of OS components:
• atmospheric air of working, residential and sanitary protection zones;
• emissions from industrial enterprises and motor vehicles;
• water (drinking, natural, waste) ;
• soils and sediments;
• radiation monitoring;
• physical factors (noise, infra and ultrasounds, vibration, illumination, intensity of electromagnetic fields)
• phytoplankton, zooplankton and macrozoobenthos

2. Operational laboratory analysis in field, industrial and emergency conditions (radiation, emanations, water, air, soil, etc.), using a mobile environmental laboratory.

We will be glad to meet you in person in our office!
Almaty, 157 Jibek Joli ave.
+7 727 234 1668
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