  • • Preparation and implementation of environmental studies on inland waters, including the transit zone of the Caspian Sea;
    • Development and implementation of monitoring programs for the sections "Assessment of the quality of the aquatic environment and bottom sediments", "Vegetation", "Hydrobionts", "Ichthyofauna" and "Assessment of biological diversity";
    • Preparation of sections for project documentation "The current state of phyto-, zoo-, ichthyoplankton, zoobenthos and ichthyofauna" "Assessment of the impact of economic activities in water bodies and streams on the ichthyofauna", "The current state of flora and fauna", "Assessment of the impact on the flora and fauna of water bodies and watercourses"
    • * Calculation of damage caused to fisheries from ongoing work and its compensation in projects (OVOS) and pre-OVOS;
    • Providing expert opinions on the calculation of EIA damages for all types of work carried out in the waters of reservoirs
  • • Comprehensive monitoring studies;
    • Development of programs for industrial environmental control (PEC), industrial monitoring (PM) for industrial enterprises;
    • Hydrogeological research and groundwater monitoring;
    • Monitoring of biodiversity on land and water areas.
    • Organization and conduct of environmental research on the state of groundwater, soil, flora and fauna
  • • Development of specific norms for water consumption and sanitation
    • Hydrological, hydrochemical and hydrobiological studies:
    • Draft standards for maximum allowable discharges:
    • Maximum allowable harmful effects on water bodies:
    • Permits for special water use:
    • Development of quality standards for surface water bodies:
    • Establishment of water protection zones and strips
  • 1. Inventory of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the atmospheric air and their sources;
    2. Development of standards for permissible emissions (NDV) of pollutants into the atmosphere;
    3. Development of projects and organization of the SPZ (sanitary protection zone) of the enterprise;
    4. Preparation of reports on the inventory of greenhouse gas emissions for quota subjects;
    5. Development of plans for monitoring greenhouse gas emissions of a quota-based installation;
    6. Preparation of sections on the determination of emissions of pollutants in the composition:
    • Environmental control programs
    • Production monitoring reports
    • Environmental impact declarations
    • Statements about planned activities
    • Environmental Impact Report
    • Section "Environmental protection" to the project documentation
  • • Waste management programs, including calculation of accumulation limits and waste disposal limits;
    • Open-source sulfur placement projects on sulfur maps;
    • Waste classification, including waste sampling with subsequent development of hazardous waste passports;
    • Development of waste management sections in EIA Projects and OOS sections;
    • Other environmental design services in the field of waste management.
  • • Laboratory studies of OS components (water, air, soil, sediments, biological objects).
    • Operational laboratory analysis (radiation, emanations, water, air, soil, etc.) in field, industrial and emergency conditions
  • • attestation of production facilities in terms of working conditions;
    • inventory of physical factors;
    • MPE of physical factors;
    • calculated and established sanitary protection zones
  • • Creation of digital maps and spatial data:
    • Integration and creation of geodata databases of various subjects and purposes;
    • Creation of digital terrain and relief models;
    • Carrying out topographic and geodetic works;
    • Conducting engineering and geophysical research and surveys;
    • Carrying out aviation work using UAVs;
    • Underwater geomagnetic, sonar and bathymetric studies
  • • Environmental impact assessment
    • Statement of proposed activity (section of Environmental Protection)
    • Preparation of documents for obtaining permits for emissions;
    • Development of regulatory and methodological documents;
    • Organization and conduction of research works;
    • Conducting environmental audits;
    • Projects of landscaping and arrangement of sanitary protection zones of industrial enterprises, projected territories, cities and towns
    • Implementation of a general sanitary and forest pathological assessment of existing green spaces.
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